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The recycled garden ideas

The recycled garden ideas

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. These recycled garden ideas give a whole new meaning to the term green thumb. They benefit the environment and make your garden stand out from the rest.

In 2018, 146.1 trillion tons of waste went to landfill in the United States. That’s enough to fill over 40,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. Using recycled materials in your garden may seem like a small step, but it can make a huge difference in our personal footprint. Who knows, you might inspire your neighbors to recycle more too.

Buying a bunch of plastic containers to grow your seedlings often feels like a huge waste. Instead of getting something new, reuse the old. You can find a few options for recycled seedling containers in your kitchen and bathroom.

Things you can use as a seedling container:

Paper cup: Poke a small hole for drainage. If you don’t have any lying around, ask your local coffee shop about discarded ones.

Eggs and Egg Carton: Plant the seedlings in empty egg shells and keep them organized in the carton.

Plastic Cookie or Cupcake Containers: The shape of these clamshell containers is not only perfect for starting seeds, the lid creates a moist environment to help them grow.

Toilet Paper Rolls: Cut and fold one end to form a base and you’ve got a great pot for seedlings. Because the roll is biodegradable, you can stick the whole thing into the ground instead of disturbing the budding plant.

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